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Case 2《Family Relationship》

Good helper also can help to ease the relationship tension between different family members. The family with elderly, couple and young children always find hard time and conflicts when handling children (i.e. their schedule, the way to teach their behaviors, etc.), housework, and cooking and more.

A family with elderly couple, young couple and young twin boys come to us for help when selecting the right candidate for their family.

Our consultant suggested a young Indonesian helper, who seems flexible, caring, and smart during her study period in Indonesian Training Center. This helper has no overseas domestic helper working experience, but she learnt Cantonese very fast and her responses in answering our interview questions seem logical and have common sense. And we found that one of the most important characters of this helper is she has a good manner and willing to follow instructions.

In addition, our consultant gave briefing about job nature, employer’s expectation, basic working schedule, working manner and ethics, and etc to the helper before the employer picked up the helpers. This kind of briefing varies based on different families’ needs. This is important to both employers and helpers, because it will have the helpers and employers to finish the two- years contract.

Now, we are so happy to know that this family not only finished the two years contract with the helper, but they renew the contract for two more years. The tension between family members relieved.



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