How to Apply
When applying for a foreign domestic helper, the foreign domestic helper and the employer should abide by the relevant laws and contract provisions. We recommend that employers carefully review their ability to apply for a foreign domestic helper before hiring a foreign domestic helper, and carefully consider the family needs and environment, and first consult with their family members. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
ENSEMBLE HUMAN RESOURCES CO. LTD. provides caring services to employers. If the customer has special requirements and needs, our sales team can also provide on-site interview services.
The time required for application and foreign domestic helper to arrive in Hong Kong: The application time of the foreign domestic helper is approximate three months and above. Of course, the time required for the application may vary depending on each application.
Expected Arrival Date for FDH It will take approximately three months after the Completion of Employment Contract and with a complete set of required documents provided by both Employer and Domestic Helper.
*The above process time is based on estimation and for reference only. The processing time may vary by each application.
The arrangement on FDH arrival date:
• Courier the Visa to FDH (it takes about 4-7 days)
• After receiving the visa, the foreign domestic helper will go through the local departure procedure and book the flight ticket (it takes about two weeks)
• In general overseas foreign domestic helper will not fully comply with the designated arrival date proposed by the employer. The employer should reserve a week or so before and after the “designated arrival date” to prepare for the foreign domestic helper arrival.
*All the above information provides a brief description of the conditions of employment for foreign domestic helpers. For further information, please visit the Immigration Department.
The above information is provided by the Immigration Department.
身份證明文件1. 僱主身分證副本或 2. 如僱主非香港永久性居民,請另外出示僱主的旅行証件副本(包括個人資料及附有最新香 港簽証等資料的頁數)。
經濟證明文件僱⽤一名外傭僱主必須持有不少於每月薪港幣$15,000 的家庭入息或擁有款額相若的資產 如僱主是某公司的僱員 1. 稅務局發出的本年度或上本年度收入之評稅單 ,全年收入總數港幣$180,000或以上; 2. 或過去三個月月薪自動轉帳的銀行或月結單; 3. 或僱主持有可觀資產證明(例如:最近期的物業稅評稅通知書/過去六個月的定期存款/儲蓄存款結單(不少於港幣$350,000 亦可以配偶的入息聯合申請,只要附上結婚證明書副本證明兩人的關係便可。; 或 持有不少於每月港幣15,000 元的家庭入息或款額相若的資產,證明你有足夠財政能力,在整個合約期(即兩年)僱用該名外傭。
住址證明僱主在標準僱傭合約(ID 407)上所填報住址的證明,即最近期的徵收差餉通知書或 過去三個月內的水費 / 電話費 / 電費單等公用設施帳單。 如合約地址屬房屋署 / 香港房屋協會轄下住所 / 屋苑的單位 則應提供以下文件 - 房屋署 / 香港房屋協會批准傭工在該單位居住的同意書 - 與房屋署 / 香港房屋協會訂立的租約第一至四頁副本,其上載有地址 及家庭成員的個人資料。 如證明文件不是僱主本身名義的,請另提供關係證明,例如出生證明書、結婚證書、公司年報、股份分配紀錄 [ 表格 1(b) ] 等。
住⼾(成員)資料家庭成員資料: -全名 -身分證號碼 -出生年份 -僱主關係
查看更多可以將資料郵寄至:紅磡馬頭圍道37號紅磡廣場1樓38-42號舖 或電郵至